Hack the Crisis - one year later

One year ago we (together with DIGG and many fantastic partners) organized Hack the Crisis Sweden. The event gathered more than 7500 participants and generated some amazing ideas related to fight against the ongoing pandemic. Throughout the rest of 2020, based on a common ambition to boost the impact of the most promising solutions, we joined forces with several companies located in the Gothenburg area to support some 10+ teams (under the project name “West Coast hack for impact”.

We are proud and amazed by what some of these teams have been able to achieve. With several solutions already in concept and implementation phase, we are confident that they will bring a positive impact to this common challenge that we still battle.

Read more about the project and outcome in the article posted by Göteborg & Co: https://goteborgco.se/en/2021/04/hack-the-crisis-one-year-later/

To check out the solutions in full, see the project web page: https://htc.openhack.io/teams

We look forward to follow the teams and their solutions as they continue to evolve.