Challenge an eager audience. And start a project with us.

Technical solutions can be used to solve many challenges and to break different barriers. Just as technology and IT opens up for great possibilities in our daily life, it can be used to help solve many of the challenges we face in the strive for a better tomorrow.  

Challenges - what type?

The solutions developed at our hackathons address the case challenges provided by our case contributing partners. The challenges are provided by an array of organizations, from NGOs to private companies to government agencies. The scope of the challenges are as broad as the range of problems we face in our society - any challenge or problem is fit to be submitted as long as it is connected to one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The areas under focus include crisis management, open data & the digital society, environmental protection, universal education and social development.


For each hackathon we select challenges based on UN SDGs or focus area relatedness, expected impact, technical solutions’ scope and the credibility of the case contributor.

The Openhack team offers assistance to help identify and produce the right challenge based on a case or problem your organisation would like to put forward.

Photo by Markus Winkler


An open source project. Solutions developed at our hackathons become listed on our GitHub repository so as to become more visible and accessible to the community. By doing so we aim to help you encourage the continued development of valuable solutions by talented interested parties.


Do you have a case challenge to discuss or submit?


You can find past case challenges or the solutions developed at our previous hackathons by clicking below or by browsing our GitHub page.

our case contributors